1.When overridden in a derived class, this method is called by the runtime to schedule a work item (callback) for a particular instance ID.
2.In Ruby, you can define a method inline for a particular instance by putting the variable name at the beginning of the method declaration.
3.Members declared with the Shared keyword are shared members, which belong to the class as a whole and not to any particular instance.
4.However, instance methods need a third datum: the particular instance of the class on which to invoke the method.
5.A particular instance of an object is identified by an object reference.
6.All this is what happens in a typical crisis. The conditions, and the effectiveness of policy, differ in each particular instance.
7.In particular, there is no information that indicates the location of a particular instance of a service provider.
8.Data instances: These hold the real information and you should be able to store the data in a particular instance of the model.
9.It is easiest to move from the concrete to the abstract, from the particular instance to the general principle.
10.an option for suppressing a particular instance of message , versus not doing the analysis for a particular rule.